Monday, August 6, 2007

The Great Animal Trapper

Last Saturday morning, my husby jumped out of bed early (5:30 am to be exact) to work on one of his weekend projects before making the traditional trip to Lowe's to buy the necessary "toys" for the aforementioned projects. When the husby returned from his trip to Lowe's with my FIL, he was carrying a very large box. From a distance (which you know if you have ever been to my house, that street-level is about 4 stories down from my front door), I can see in large bold letters on the side of the box, "ANIMAL TRAP." Oh, brother! What now?

Husby tells me that he is convinced that a possum, raccoon, or some other type of small, furry game is eating all of the cat's food. His theory is that this ferocious animal must be using the cat door to get into the basement, and then eats all of the cat's food. Chester, unable to defend himself against this vicious creature, is forced to starve.

Later that evening, Husby enthusiastically retreats to the front porch to assemble his "ANIMAL TRAP." I, as usual, humor his endeavors and put the kids to bed while he comes up with a strategy to capture this elusive "cat-food-eating" beast. When Husby re-enters the house, he explains to me what he has been plotting for our furry friend. He lets me know that he has locked Chester on the front porch, so that he will not be the one getting stuck in the trap...good idea.

Once we have both gotten into the bed for the evening, Husby asks me if I think that it is a possum or a raccoon. I tell him, "I dunno know." He proceeds to ask me what he should do if he catches a raccoon. I tell him, "I know that they are aggressive little b*#$ards. I am sure that Homewood Animal Control can take care of it." He seems pleased with my answer and goes to sleep.

The next morning, bright and early, I hear Husby exit through the front door. I remember the "ANIMAL TRAP" and laugh about how excited he probably is to see if he has caught the culprit. Minutes later, Husby re-enters the house. He proudly walks into the bedroom and states, "We caught the culprit!" Unfortunately, the culprit that we caught in the handy-dandy "ANIMAL TRAP" was nothing but...wait for guessed it...another CAT!!!

Obviously, a stray was eating our poor Chester's food. Husby has surmised that the most logical solution would be to put out a second bowl of food or move our cat's food to the porch...good thinking. So, if any of you are in need of an "ANIMAL TRAP" or are interested to see what stray animals you can catch in your yard, I have one that you are more than welcome to borrow.

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