Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Great Husby

Not to be confused with the Fitzgerald classic, but he is great, and he is my husby. I love him more everyday because he seems to have a knack for making me laugh (at myself, especially) and for helping me maintain my sanity. He has been a great Daddy from the git-go...with both of our babies. Even when The Fred won't stop whining or SweetBoy is having a screaming fit, his toughie image melts away (even if he hates to admit it), and I see the compassionate and caring side of him that I adore. We do get on each other's nerves at times, but we never stay mad for long...and who doesn't love making up?

Sequels to "The Great Husby" will soon follow (as the mood to write sweet things strikes me). Until then, just keep in mind that I am married to the perfect man (and perfect is, of course, relative). Even the husbys deserve some recognition time every now and then!


Anonymous said...

I used to say stuff like this.

Ten years ago.

And seven posts in one day must be some kind of record....

I'm a Mom!..? said...

And he can accessorize!!

J said...

I once had a post like this as well. It seems distant, far-away, like it was... maybe it was a dream.

Just kidding, but he reads my blog, so too many shout-outs gives him a big head and he thinks he can quit scrubbing the floor.