Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Parenting Wisdom: The New Form of "Keeping Up with the Joneses"

WARNING: Venting will follow...this post may not be suitable for all parents

Okay, what is the deal with the significant others in our lives feeling as if we should be raising our kids just like everybody else? Why can't we be original and strike out on our own path of child-rearing greatness? I just have a hard time following the mentality of "keeping up with the Joneses" when it comes to parenting. Have I lost you yet?

If I hear anyone (that I love and care for) say any of the following again (or at least in the near future), I swear that I am going to SCREAM!!!


"So-and-so" make their kids go to bed at ______ o' clock.

"So-and-so" doesn't let her kids eat ______.

"So-and-so" doesn't let his kids watch ______.

When "so-and-so" did ______ their child quit doing ______.

"So-and-so" said you would be able to do ______ if you did ______.

I heard "so-and-so" say that you shouldn't _______.

"So-and-so's" doctor said that ______.

Are you following me now? What is so wrong with how I am raising my children? If I wanted or needed advice from "so-and-so," I would ask them. I value the opinions of others and am open to what works for other people. That is why I talk about child-rearing issues with other people I trust, that are in my position, and that value my opinion as well. So far, none of the "so-and-sos" have fallen into this category. M'kay?


*Yankee Belle* said...

Well 'so and so' told me that... (snide snicker) ;)

I'm a Mom!..? said...

Is "so & so" the same as "they"? Because I hate "they"

MommaDrool said...

I think that "so-and-so" and "they" are synonymous!
: )

random_mommy said...

I'm so sorry that everyone is comparing your parenting skills to my far superior parenting skills. I keep telling everyone to stop doing that, but I'm just so amazing that they won't. UGH!

MommaDrool said...

What can I say? It is very hard to stand in a shadow of perfection such as yours.

Anonymous said...

I never wanted to be a they. Or a them. You know what I mean.

Don't you?

They would know what I mean.