Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Reason #12: Why You Should Not Have White Suede Couches, If You Have Children

Reason #12:
They may decide to use the back of the couch as a canvas for their latest masterpiece...and you may cry...

(The Fred keeps telling me, "Uh-oh, that wasn't supposed to happen!)


J said...

Oh no. I'm so sorry. Don't cry.

I'm a Mom!..? said...

I will cry for you!!! This is why you push all furniture against walls, less surface area to destroy!

Anonymous said...

I say what you can't see, know one will ever know about. It sounds like a perfect time for a little furniture rearranging!! I say the easiest fix is switch couches if possible and hide all things colorful! You could always invest in naugahyde I'm sure it is kiddy proof!!

Anonymous said...

Oooh. That's bad. Good thing she's so cute. Of course you could always save it. She may be a famous artist some day!

Punkin' hasn't destroyed anything yet. Knock on wood....

*Yankee Belle* said...

OH SHI@T!!!!