Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Project Four: Final

Our final assignment for my ARS-372 class was to once again elaborate on our myth. Based on previous critique, I decided to make some changes to my artistic direction. I decided that my depiction of internal sin was too "pretty," so I shyed away from the Baroque-style images that I had been creating.

I had avoided making a correlation with religion up to this point, but I decided that there was no way to reference sin without bringing an element of religion into the images. I wanted this to be a positive correlation, so I referenced my personal beliefs on internal sin instead of concerning myself with appealing to the masses through shock value. The mealworms were an element that I added to symbolize something living inside of us, and yes, they are alive crawling around inside of those boxes. All in all, the project was a success, and hopefully, it earned me an "A" for the semester...I am keeping my fingers crossed...


random_mommy said...

You are SOOO messing up the curve for the all the 19 year old art majors.

Unknown said...

LOL!! I agree. So true.

*Yankee Belle* said...

You rock. I would have loved to be your partner in art class...although you would have considered me dead useless weight. Amazing MommaDrool!